Windows vs mac for writers

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Zeiler writes the Mac Experience column for the Sun, where he touches on many issues relating to the Mac platform. In the midst of this discussion comes the newest column from Dave Zeiler at the Baltimore Sun, which deals with this exact issues. At the same time, mi2g listed several far more obscure platforms that had been the victims of many, many more attacks than the Mac platform did during the same period, which was part of the reason that the security firm did not offer STO as the reason the Mac was more secure. As we discussed in a follow up article yesterday, security firm mi2g said almost a year ago that the Mac did not benefit from STO, and that the Mac platform was specifically the least vulnerable to attack.

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Mac detractors say that Appleis 3% market share means that the Mac has STO. The theory of STO says that if not enough people use a platform, no one will try to break into it.

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They expressed their poorly worded displeasure in our article comments, mostly rallying around the cry that the Macis only defense was Security Through Obscurity (STO). For instance, an influx of Windows users took offense to an article we published putting the damages from the SoBig virus at up to US$1 billion. Mac security issues have been a bit of a hot button issue at TMO of late.